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St George
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes

Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes

Santa Clara
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes

Angie Adams
(435) 703-0643
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Featured Listings
3125 E 2220 S
St George, UT 84790 - $855,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-253662
4 bd | 2.5 ba | 2,301 sf | 0.25 ac240 N Main ST
Washington, UT 84780 - $750,000
Single Family | MLS#: 25-257410
3 bd | 2.5 ba | 1,610 sf | 0.42 ac999 N 1900 W
St George, UT 84770 - $529,900
Single Family | MLS#: 25-257230
6 bd | 4 ba | 2,966 sf | 0.18 ac5399 S Cerulean LN #93
St George, UT 84790 - $610,000
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-250459
3 bd | 3.5 ba | 1,761 sf3193 S Hideaway Place
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $1,358,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-255467
4 bd | 4.5 ba | 3,150 sf | 0.19 ac225 N Country LN #35
St George, UT 84770 - $454,900
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-254409
3 bd | 2 ba | 1,489 sf1999 W Canyon View DR #43
St George, UT 84770 - $399,900
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-254422
1 bd | 1 ba | 1,422 sf | 0.03 ac2455 S Martin ST
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $695,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-254799
4 bd | 2 ba | 2,310 sf | 0.23 ac5854 S Kastra LN
St George, UT 84790 - $650,000
Single Family | MLS#: 25-257919
4 bd | 3.5 ba | 2,729 sf | 0.25 ac