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Luxury Homes
Santa Clara
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
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Angie Adams
(435) 703-0643
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Featured Listings
571 N Main ST
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $449,900
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256164
3 bd | 2 ba | 1,880 sf | 0.16 ac3507 S Castlefield DR
Washington, UT 84780 - $774,900
Single Family | MLS#: 24-254706
6 bd | 3.5 ba | 3,446 sf | 0.35 ac309 N 815 W
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $650,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256392
4 bd | 3 ba | 2,481 sf | 0.26 ac1054 E 120 S
Spanish Fork, UT 84660 - $560,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256216
4 bd | 2.5 ba | 3,007 sf | 0.22 ac1165 W Indian Hills Drive DR #2a
St George, UT 84770 - $449,900
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-255370
4 bd | 3 ba | 2,037 sf3092 E 2110 S ST
St George, UT 84790 - $1,189,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-255241
6 bd | 3.5 ba | 3,949 sf | 0.26 ac502 Park View DR
Washington, UT 84780 - $369,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256013
2 bd | 2 ba | 1,370 sf | 0.14 ac225 N Country Lane #77
St George, UT 84770 - $425,000
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-254723
3 bd | 2 ba | 1,506 sf1166 W Birchwood DR
Washington, UT 84780 - $879,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-254290
5 bd | 4 ba | 5,335 sf | 0.38 ac